Roberta Chevrette, M.A. is a doctoral student in Communication at Arizona State University. She has studied writing and performance, published two CDs, and holds a dual B.A. in Anthropology and Women’s Studies from Sacramento State University, where she received the Dean’s Award in Social Sciences. As a scholar of gender, culture, and communication who is invested in public policy and progressive social change, she views creative nonfiction as both an art form and an invaluable tool for effectively communicating scholarship to broader audiences.
Angela Records
Angela Records, PhD, is a Policy Fellow with the American Phytopathological Society, and she works as a science consultant for Eversole Associates, a small science and technology consulting firm. Angela earned her B.S. in Biology from Baylor University, an M.S. in Biological Sciences from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Texas A&M University. She completed postdoctoral studies at the Maryland Pathogen Research Institute at the University of Maryland in College Park. After spending over a decade in the laboratory studying and publishing on the molecular aspects of host-pathogen interactions, Angela shifted into science policy work. She is particularly interested in policies related to the science of food and agriculture.
Brian Kahn
In previous lives Brian Kahn led sleigh ride tours through a herd of 7000 elk, guided tourists around the deepest lake in the United States, and blogged about climate change from the back of his Subaru. In between he found time to backpack, ski, and photograph his way around the western U.S. Somehow he now finds himself living in New York, working as a partner with NOAA’s and the communications coordinator at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society where he writes in bursts ranging from 140 characters to 3000 words. While he enjoys navigating the bustling canyons of Manhattan, he often finds himself dreaming of quieter ones out West.
Emily Fertig
Emily Fertig is a Ph.D. candidate in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. The focus of her research is the economics of wind power integration, using both large-scale energy storage and interconnection of geographically dispersed wind sites. She recently spent a year in Trondheim, Norway at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology studying the Scandinavian hydropower system, and has also examined the economic viability of compressed air energy storage in Texas. Her current research focuses on decision support for government investment in energy technology R&D. She has a B.A. in Geosciences from Williams College and has interned for Science and the nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists. She is originally from Alexandria, Virginia.
Ramya Rajagopalan
Ramya Rajagopalan is a sociologist of science, technology and medicine, currently a visiting postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and research fellow at the Life Sciences Foundation. Her research examines the social, cultural, and policy dimensions of emerging developments in the contemporary life sciences and the dynamics of personalized medicine and health care. Her work has been published in academic volumes, handbooks, and scholarly journals including Social Studies of Science and the ethics journal of the American Medical Association.
Jill Sisson Quinn
Jill Sisson Quinn is the author of Deranged: Finding a Sense of Place in the Landscape and in the Lifespan and has received a John Burroughs Essay Award and a Rona Jaffe Writers’ Award. Her work has appeared in Orion, OnEarth, Ecotone, and elsewhere.
Maria Delaney
Maria Delaney is an Irish science and health journalist. She is a passionate science communicator, co-curator of the best-selling A Neutron Walks into a Bar, and an award-winning science blogger. Her articles have been featured in The Sunday Times and The Irish Times and online at the
Joon-Ho Yu is a bioethicist and social scientist. His work focuses on translational genomics, minority participation in research, and the ethical and social implications of genetic technologies.
Molly Bain
Molly Bain is a writer, teacher, and performer. She has taught everything from fourth grade to theater fundamentals to workshops on multiculturalism. She has also written and performed two one-woman shows and is currently working on her second Master’s degree, an MFA in nonfiction at the University of Pittsburgh. [email protected]
Niki Vermeulen
Niki Vermeulen specializes in science and innovation policy and the organization of research, with an emphasis on scientific collaboration in the life sciences. As a Wellcome Research Fellow in the Center for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine of the University of Manchester (UK) she studies the emergence of systems biology, focusing on ways of collaborating on local, national and international levels. [email protected]