David Schleifer researches and writes about healthcare, food, technology and education. His work has been published in venues including Social Studies of Science, PLOS ONE, Post Road and online at n +1. He holds a PhD in sociology from New York University and is a Senior Research Associate at Public Agenda, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research and engagement organization. The views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of Public Agenda or its funders.
Alison Fairbrother
Alison Fairbrother is the Executive Director of the Public Trust Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that investigates and reports on misrepresentations of science by corporations, government, and the media. Her work has appeared in Salon, the Washington Monthly, AlterNet, and more. She is a contributing editor at TheWashington Spectator.
Lizzie Wade
Lizzie Wade is the Latin America correspondent for Science magazine. Her work has also appeared in Wired, Aeon, and Slate, among other publications. She lives in Mexico City.
Allison Marsh
Allison Marsh is an assistant professor of history at the University of South Carolina where she supervises the museums and material culture track of the public history program. Trained as a historian of technology, her research focuses on how the general public comes to understand complex engineering ideas through informal educational. She is currently working on The Ultimate Vacation: A History of Factory Tours in America in both book and exhibit form. Before coming to USC, she was a curator at the Smithsonian Institution National Postal Museum. She received her PhD in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology from Johns Hopkins University.